With each stay at Kriti Hotel you may earn 250 Miles+Bonus award miles for every night stay. Simply present your Miles+Bonus card when you check-in, in order to have the corresponding award miles registered in your account.
You can also redeem your miles against free stays online through your Miles+Bonus account! Login to your Miles+Bonus account and submit an online redemption request, at least 2 working days prior to the required date, in accordance with the rates in the table you can check here Afterwards, the hotel will inform you regarding the acceptance or rejection of your request. In case of request acceptance, the corresponding award miles will be automatically deducted from your account.
Additionally, as a Miles+Bonus member you may take advantage of the following exclusive privileges:
Late check-out upon availability
Room Upgrade upon availability
Check the full Terms & Conditions of the partnership here
Contact Information
If users have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at:Phone: (+30) 28210 51881-3-5Fax: (+30) 28210 41000Email: [email protected]Postal Address : Nikiforou Foka & Kiprou, 73100, Chania, Crete - Greece